Wednesday 23 February 2011

Applying Aperture and Shutter Speed: Milk

Using aperture and shutter speed could be used in different and effective ways. On the website for Digital SLR Photography magazine there is a activity which could create stop motion, it captures the milk hitting the dry surface and breaking away from the other droplets.

To create this on a digital SLR camera:
Aperture f10
Shutter Speed 1/200
ISO 100

Why not try the same technical applications to your camera, and see what effects are created with a fast shutter speed to capture the dropping of the milk. Play with the 6 creative aperture stops and see what different effects could be created through the correct fstops and how changing the aperture and shutter speed to photograph a more creative image. Play!
Check out the website and look under creative eye and see what interesting photographs you can create through using a fast shutter speed setting on your camera:

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